Frame Hanging
Unlimited freedom of design.
No need for noisy hammering or to upset your neighbours! When you use the nielsen Gallery Hanging System you can reposition your pictures whenever the mood takes you.
Based on systems used in great galleries around the world, the nielsen Gallery Hanging System simply puts your pictures in the spotlight.
Gallery Hanging System
One system, lots of options
The nielsen Gallery Hanging System lets you design your living space to fit your mood.
Studio style for your homeDiscover a new, flexible way to display pictures and objects that's both flexible and attractive.
Security System
Play it safe! nielsen offers a suitable safety system for every kind of frame and profile.

nielsen Gallery Hanging System Brochure
File size: 2.2 MB

Instruction sheet | nielsen Gallery Hanging System
File size: 0.2 MB

Instruction sheet | nielsen Security Systems
File size: 0.9 MB